
If you were wondering, it's a word I learned from my mother. She was born in southern Louisiana where the term is common. It's a small gift or an unexpected benefit, and that's what I intend this page to be.

I'll shine a little light on some of my favorite people and places, and I'll link to a few random thoughts and musings I've had on various topics. I might even relate a few of the misadventures on this writer's life.

Feel free to drop me a line. I'm always eager to hear from fans.

The Writing Life

Other Lagniappes For You

The 2004 Kansas Tour

Can you really call something with only two stops a tour?

Road Trips and Writing Tips

Can you say Homeland Security?  I can't.

Southwest Crime Ink

The Great Manhattan Mystery Conclave 2009

Some snaps from last October's Great Manhattan Mystery Conclave, held in Manhattan, Kansas.

"Partridge Daze"

Mike's busy on his new novel -- and believe me, it's gonna definitely raise some eyebrows. But for those of you homesick for Benteen County, check out a mini story Mike wrote for the Partridge Rural High School Class of '62's 50th reunion, which he attended.

Ever Wonder What Mike Reads?

Highly Recommended Reads for 2004

Highly Recommended Reads for 2005

Highly Recommended Reads for 2006

Highly Recommended Reads for 2007

Highly Recommended Reads for 2008

Highly Recommended Reads for 2009

Highly Recommended Reads for 2010

Highly Recommended Reads for 2011

Highly Recommended Reads for 2012

Highly Recommended Reads for 2013


All these great books can be purchased from your favorite bookstore or mine:

Clues Unlimited, Tucson

Tucson's mystery bookstore.

The Poisoned Pen Bookstore, Scottsdale

But for this wonderful mystery book seller in Scottsdale, and the Poisoned Pen Press which it inspired, I might have been a one-hit wonder and you and I wouldn't be meeting here like this.

The Independent Mystery Booksellers Association

Contact Mike

Of course, Mike's always eager to hear from readers. Feel free to contact him by e-mail.

Another fine site developed and maintained by The Thrilling Detective Web Guy

Entire site copyright 2004-14, J.M. Hayes.
J.M. Hayes welcomes your comments and suggestions.
Please feel free to e-mail him.

Header photo courtesy of Dr. Harold N. Ottaway.